household study page final wellkiwis

The fourth addition to the WellKiwis studies, the Household study will follow families for up to seven years with the aim of seeing how a person’s prior exposure to the flu virus (or vaccine) influences their ongoing immune responses to subsequent exposures to the flu. It will also help us understand how the flu and other respiratory viruses spread from an infected person to others in a household setting.

Participant Journey

FAQs WellKiwis: Household study [PDF, 260 KB]

Participant Information sheet: Household study [PDF, 246 KB]


Household Transmission Study

The Household Transmission study will involve close monitoring of your household and their experience while infected with the flu. Your household will be invited to participate in this extra study activity if you or a member of your household return a positive influenza swab result. 

This involves:

  • Daily surveying of symptoms
  • Swabbing every three days until a negative swab is returned or for up to 28 days
  • Two blood samples from each participant (an acute blood sample within the first two weeks following a flu positive result, a convalescent blood sample 4 - 7 weeks later)
  • Exit questionnaire for the household representative

Eligibility to participate in the Household Transmission study requires ALL members of your household to participate in the WellKiwis Household study and be living in the home at the time of the flu positive result. 

Household Transmission study activities [PDF, 452 KB]